Manage Consents for Account Information Service

To access all AIS APIs, it is necessary to establish a consent between the TPP, the PSU and the ASPSP

Initiate a Payment

Overview of the APIs used to initiate a payment regardless of the service and product used

Cancel a Payment

Overview of the APIs used to cancel a payment regardless of the service and product used

Manage payments information and status

Retrieving the payment resource or the status of the transaction following a payment initiation or cancellation

Specific BerlinGroup Implementation

Since the BerlinGroup Implementation Guide gives ASPSPs the possibility to make some functionalities optional, you can find a summary of them in this documentation

Use our Sandbox Dataset

Our Sandbox environment is filed with a small dataset allowing you to test our APIs. Here is a quick overview

Contact our support team

To help TPPs access our PSD2 APIs a dedicated team is available for support

Monitor performance & availability of our APIs

To help TPPs get performance and availability information for our APIs

Connect to the sandbox or Berlin Group APIs

Operating procedure for the connection to the sandbox or Berlin Group APIs

Build your authorize URL

Explains the process to build the authorize URL to access the authentication of the PSU